Palos Verdes is a particularly high-risk area for elevated radon levels because of its hilly landscape – radon gets into houses from the ground. The California Department of Public Health estimates that about 1 in 4 homes in the Palos Verdes area is contaminated with this carcinogenic gas – the number two leading cause of lung cancer after smoking.
Environmental Inspection Services’ National Radon Proficiency Board-certified radon technicians can help you protect yourself and your family from radon. Our Palos Verdes radon tests involve deploying a radon testing device and having it take readings over several days. At the conclusion of the radon test, we will inform you as to any steps that are necessary to take to deal with radon.
We will place and activate a Sun Nuclear Corporation 1027 radon tester, which will provide a radon reading after forty-eight to seventy-two hours of sampling.
Health Physics Society Specialists in Radiation Safety
Indoor Radon Program
Health Physics Society Specialists in Radiation Safety
Indoor Radon Program